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    International Law News

    International Law News

    International Law News

    The purpose of the Section newsletter,International Law News (ILN), is to keep Section members informed about current international law developments and important Section news. ILN publishes articles that provide overviews of international law topics, as well as concrete, how-to advice for practicing in the field. ILNalso publishes a number of regular columns, including "A Lawyer's Survival Guide" to cities around the world.

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    The purpose of the Section newsletter,International Law News (ILN), is to keep Section members informed about current international law developments and important Section news. ILN publishes articles that provide overviews of international law topics, as well as concrete, how-to advice for practicing in the field. ILNalso publishes a number of regular columns, including "A Lawyer's Survival Guide" to cities around the world. ILN is available online to members of the ABA Section of International Law and to print subscribers.

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