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    Entertainment and Sports Lawyer

    Entertainment and Sports Lawyer

    Entertainment and Sports Lawyer

    Entertainment and Sports Lawyer is directed at lawyers who devote a major portion of their practice to entertainment, sports, arts, intellectual property law, and other related areas. It endeavors to provide current, practical information, as well as public policy and scholarly viewpoints that it believes to be of professional and academic interest to Forum members and other readers.
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    Entertainment and Sports Lawyer is directed at lawyers who devote a major portion of their practice to entertainment, sports, arts, intellectual property law, and other related areas. It endeavors to provide current, practical information, as well as public policy and scholarly viewpoints that it believes to be of professional and academic interest to Forum members and other readers.

    8? x 11 
    40 pages/issue

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    Melissa Ladwig, Staff Editor
    Vered Yakovee, Editor

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