Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Beyond the Basics: Uncover Overlooked Issues in Divorce Mediation Agreements and Avoid Common Pitfalls [CC]
This Client Handbook issue of Family Advocate is a must for anyone who is becoming or has recently becomed divorced in middle life. Learn about potential problems you can avoid and suggestions to facilitate the economic transformation from married life to that of a single person.
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Articles focus on how your divorce may affect retirement planning; what to do if you become overwhelmed by the process and stress of divorce; and what to do if you believe your soon-to-be former spouse may be suffering from age-related problems that may compromise his or her competence. This indispensable handbook also covers the topics of health insurance, grandchildren, and your estate plan.
4/1/2009 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Beyond the Basics: Uncover Overlooked Issues in Divorce Mediation Agreements and Avoid Common Pitfalls [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Beginning Anew in Later Life: Divorce in the Golden Years [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Ethics and Best Practices for Family Law Attorneys in Preventing Firearms Violence [CC]
Events | In-Person
2025 Section of Family Law Spring CLE Conference
CLE 60 min
Join the ABA Section of Family Law this April to learn from experts in family law and assisted reproductive technologies, to network with colleagues , and to enjoy all the amenities the famous Greenb…
Events | Webinar
Defending Against Guardianship: Protecting Rights and Ensuring Fairness
CLE 60 min
This program is designed for elder law attorneys, family law attorneys, general practitioners, and disability rights advocates seeking to deepen their knowledge and improve their advocacy in guardian…
Family Law Paralegal E-Learning Symposium
Our Family Law Paralegal E-learning Symposium is a full day virtual seminar for family law paralegals and support staff focused on elevating practical paralegal skills.