Merchandise | General Merchandise
Law and the Courts, Volume I: The Role of Courts
The second booklet in the Law and the Courts series gives readers a quick look at a legal case from beginning to end. Covers how cases begin, pre-trial motions, hearings and settlement conferences, jury selection, steps in a trial, and the final stages verdict and the appeals process.
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4/18/2014 12:00:00 AM
Merchandise | General Merchandise
Law and the Courts, Volume I: The Role of Courts
Merchandise | General Merchandise
Law and the Courts, Volume III: Juries
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
But It's Just Weed! Understanding the Effects of Cannabis Use on Justice-Involved Adults and Adolescents [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Intersections of GenAI and Cybersecurity: Reckoning and Responding to the Risks, Day 2 [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Intersections of GenAI and Cybersecurity: Reckoning and Responding to the Risks, Day 1 [CC]
Events | Webinar
Making the Move: Best Practices & Tips to Transition to ADR
Are you considering transitioning your career to practice alternative dispute resolution? The move from the bench or bar to ADR is not automatic! Our judge and lawyer panelists have made the move - j…
Events | Webinar
Judicial Solutions to Institutional Child Abuse
Judges are often the final safety net between a vulnerable child and placement in an abusive residential facility. This thoughtful program will provide insight into legal and judicial challenges pres…
Events | In-Person
2024 ABA Forum On Building Access to Justice for All
This Forum is the only program of its kind to provide educational training, unique networking opportunities, and support to the access to justice commissions, IOLTA programs, and lawyer referral prog…