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    Chemical Product Law and Supply Chain Stewardship: A Guide to New TSCA

    Edited by Lynn L. Bergeson

    Chemical Product Law and Supply Chain Stewardship: A Guide to New TSCA

    Chemical Product Law and Supply Chain Stewardship: A Guide to New TSCA

    Edited by Lynn L. Bergeson

    Chemical Product Law and Supply Chain Stewardship provides a road map to navigate efficiently the transformational changes in chemical product law, identifies the practical business and product stewardship implications of the new normal in product regulation, and explains the urgent need for supply chain awareness.

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    Long thought of as a quirky, obscure federal law with limited application to entities beyond manufacturers of pure or "neat" chemicals, the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) has new jurisdictional reach and relevance to the business community that are anything but "limited" - and are only expanding. TSCA's metamorphosis from an arcane federal law narrowly targeting chemical manufacturers to an ever-expanding, dynamic, and consequential federal product law with growing relevance to domestic and international product manufacturers marketing their products in the United States is profoundly important and must be understood by product innovators, investors, insurers, manufacturers, importers and exporters, and businesspeople of all stripes in the United States and beyond. Failure to understand TSCA's broad and growing application to business entities could result in catastrophic business decisions and failed businesses.

    Chemical Product Law and Supply Chain Stewardship: A Guide to New TSCA provides to the business community and others an understanding of TSCA so they can make informed and compliant business decisions. Businesspeople throughout today's supply chain - not merely lawyers and compliance advisors - need to understand TSCA's growing commercial relevance and application over chemicals and manufactured goods produced both domestically and abroad.

    TSCA profoundly affects business decisions from choice of raw materials to whether a manufacturing operation should be located domestically or abroad, what materials and/or products can or should be imported, how to assess the compositional elements of a product, and much more. Chemical Product Law and Supply Chain Stewardship: A Guide to New TSCA answers these questions from a business transactions perspective rather than an academic or overly legalistic perspective.

    This book provides a road map to the transformational changes in chemical product law. It identifies the practical business and product stewardship implications of the new normal in product regulation, explains the urgent need for supply chain awareness, and provides practical tips and tools to navigate the commercial chaos new TSCA and product regulation have invited.

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    ABA Book Publishing



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    Publication Date

    2/24/2025 12:00:00 AM

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