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    Roadmap: The Law Student's Guide to Meaningful Employment, Third Edition

    By Neil W Hamilton

    Roadmap: The Law Student's Guide to Meaningful Employment, Third Edition

    Roadmap: The Law Student's Guide to Meaningful Employment, Third Edition

    By Neil W Hamilton

    Roadmap sharpens your awareness of the characteristics most valued in the workplace -- whether it is in a law firm, a company, or a government entity. The map encourages you to use your time in law school to develop the competencies important to your future. The book helps the reader form a conscious plan to demonstrate these self-development experiences. It's a great resource to be prepared to enter the search for employment.

    Roadmap: The Law Student's Guide to Meaningful Employment, Third Edition

    By Neil W Hamilton

    Roadmap: The Law Student's Guide to Meaningful Employment, Third Edition

    Roadmap: The Law Student's Guide to Meaningful Employment, Third Edition

    By Neil W Hamilton

    Roadmap sharpens your awareness of the characteristics most valued in the workplace -- whether it is in a law firm, a company, or a government entity. The map encourages you to use your time in law school to develop the competencies important to your future. The book helps the reader form a conscious plan to demonstrate these self-development experiences. It's a great resource to be prepared to enter the search for employment.

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    Praise for previous edition:

    "Law faculty members, student support professionals, law schools, and law students should take Roadmap to heart. It is an invaluable guidebook to improving both academic and career advising. It assists students in building a sense of self-efficacy and shaping plans for professional success. It helps law schools rebalance student and faculty/staff responsibilities. It clarifies the pipelines available to future lawyers interested in shaping their careers."
    -- Journal of Legal Education, Vol. 68, No.1 (2019)

    What do you say when a potential employer asks, "Tell me about a project that you have managed and what you learned from that experience; tell me specifically about how you handled a difficult team member in implementing the project?" If you are like most law students, the slightest mention of "project management" or "difficult team member" makes you cringe, evoking painful memories of free-riding classmates. Once your discomfort passes, you either struggle to come up with a meaningful answer or fail to think of an experience demonstrating your project management and teamwork competencies. Would it surprise you to know that was supposed to be an easy question? What happens when you get a tricky question, such as, "What value do you bring beyond just technical legal skills to help our clients be successful?"

    The Roadmap process transforms this type of challenging question into an opportunity to differentiate yourself from other students. You will not need to wait for a specific question about the value you bring beyond technical legal skills to help legal employers and clients. Instead, you will understand what skills legal employers and clients need and will be able to explain how your strongest skills can help them succeed. You will be prepared with your best stories to demonstrate persuasive evidence of your strongest skills.

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



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    Publication Date

    8/9/2023 12:00:00 AM


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


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    Publication Date

    8/9/2023 12:00:00 AM

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