Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Beyond Boolean: Generative AI Research Skills for the Modern Tax Attorney
This new edition is a invaluable tool for reviewing commercial business and professional practice returns to gather information and prepare a complete discovery plan for family law cases. The Business Tax Return Handbook, Fifth Edition supplies hypothetical examples to illustrate points in the text, including the most common forms and schedules for partnerships, corporations, and unincorporated businesses.
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Learn how to extract key financial information in discovery with The Business Tax Return Handbook. A companion volume to bestselling 1040 Handbook, this is an invaluable tool for reviewing commercial business and professional practice returns to gather information and prepare a complete discovery plan for family law cases. A variety of hypothetical examples using business returns are used to illustrate points in the text, including the most common forms and schedules for partnerships, corporations, and unincorporated businesses.
This line-by-line guide can be used as a complete introduction to the family law aspects of business tax returns or as a quick reference for lawyers who want to concentrate on particular areas of business taxation. The author discusses fundamental tax issues that impact on family law matters and offer comments to explain line items and statements for all four types of business tax returns. Topics covered include:
Common business fact patterns are accompanied by both explanation and commentary to assist in discovery. Covering many of the most common scenarios faced in family law cases, hypothetical tax returns are included for the following business types:
Unincorporated business reported on Schedule C of the personal tax return
ABA Book Publishing
8 1/2 x 11
7/17/2023 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Beyond Boolean: Generative AI Research Skills for the Modern Tax Attorney
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Beyond the Basics: Uncover Overlooked Issues in Divorce Mediation Agreements and Avoid Common Pitfalls [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Intelligent Fiduciary: Common Problems ERISA Fiduciaries Can Avoid [CC]
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2025 Section of Family Law Spring CLE Conference
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Join the ABA Section of Family Law this April to learn from experts in family law and assisted reproductive technologies, to network with colleagues , and to enjoy all the amenities the famous Greenb…