Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Differentiating Patent Value From Patent Damages
This second addition to the Model Jury Instructions series provides clear and balanced instructions for presentation to juries in patent litigation. These models accurately and impartially present the elements and critical definitions of patent law in language that is understandable and familiar to the average juror.
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Chapter introductions give overviews of the current state of the law, including the major recent cases in most jurisdictions, with discussions of the practical issues you might have to consider. Individual instructions are followed by commentary that includes discussion of the cases from which the instruction was derived, as well as how and when to adapt the instruction to particular cases, to the laws of particular states, to the requirements of particular jurisdictions, or in the light of inconsistent authority. Besides making it easy to present first-rate instructions, the models and supporting citations give you an excellent starting place from which to investigate the nuances of a particular jurisdiction. This book gives you the framework for preparing and trying your case, from analyzing the fact situation and planning strategy to preparing your final argument.
ABA Book Publishing
8/23/2023 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Differentiating Patent Value From Patent Damages
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Role of Consumer Surveys in IP Litigation [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Intellectual Property Principles, Problems, and Puzzles: Everyday IP Issues in Business [CC]
Events | In-Person
2025 Litigation Section Annual Conference
BIAS 60 min
The Section Annual Conference is THE premier event for litigators. It brings together top litigation professionals from across the U.S. to discuss timely legal issues and the latest in trial advocacy…
Events | In-Person
2025 ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting (IPLSPRING)
ETHICS 60 min
The ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting (IPLPSRING) is the premier intellectual property conference of the year. The meeting will feature more than 20 CLE sessions, networking events, wellness programs, b…
Events | Webinar
Landslide Webinar - The Unified Patent Court: A Practical Perspective One Year In
CLE 90 min
Join a panel of experienced patent attorneys as they discuss key insights and practical strategies for navigating the Unified Patent Court (UPC). With the Court now issuing its first substantive deci…