Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Allocating Expenses in Commercial Leases
Focusing on the provisions of the standard New York office lease and a more complex commercial lease, this book provides practical insights on both the landlord's and tenant's perspectives in negotiation, noting essential clauses as well as those that may be traps for the unwary. while it examines two New York model forms, its practical comparative format, expert commentary, and negotiating tips are valuable tools for real estate practitioners in any jurisdiction.
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The Commercial Office Lease Handbook: Second Edition provides a fuller understanding of each critical provision of an office lease: why it is included, why it is important to both the landlord and the tenant, and why and how to best negotiate it. The authors focus on the provisions of the standard printed office lease most commonly used in New York and compare that form with a more complex commercial office lease having the same structure. They offer practical insights about the perspectives of both landlord and tenant in the negotiating process, noting which clauses are essential and which, if not amended, may provide traps for the unwary. Although it examines two New York model forms, the book's practical comparative format, expert commentary, and negotiating tips are valuable tools for real estate practitioners in any jurisdiction.
The book combines, side-by-side and clause-by-clause, organized commentary on the Real Estate Board of New York, Inc.'s ubiquitous "Standard Form of Office Lease," along with a common but sophisticated model form of manuscript lease that might be prepared for any office building landlord. Because the section headings in both forms are almost identical, this format assists the real estate lawyer by providing easy-to-find, helpful examples and practice commentary for any lease form, in any state, provision by provision. The book is organized into 54 chapters, with each corresponding to a single functional article of two different model lease forms covered in the text. Each chapter contains sections detailing the lease form:
ABA Book Publishing
9/30/2022 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Allocating Expenses in Commercial Leases
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Lease Issues Relating to Insurance and Lenders
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Leasing Basics
Events | Webinar
End of Lease Term Considerations
CLE 75 min
How should the end of the lease be handled? This session will cover issues related to the end of the lease term, such as restoration, holdover, security deposits, and more.
Events | Webinar
Allocating Expenses in Commercial Leases
CLE 75 min
Panelists will cover what expenses are generally considered in leases and the typical market allocation of these expenses. What are common areas? How are expense increases allocated?
Events | Webinar
Lease Issues Relating to Insurance and Lenders
CLE 75 min
Panelists will provide an overview of insurance and lender issues related to leases. Commonly negotiated insurance provisions will be explained and negotiation tips given.