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    The Flourishing Lawyer: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Performance and Well-Being

    By Heidi K Brown

    The Flourishing Lawyer: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Performance and Well-Being

    The Flourishing Lawyer: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Performance and Well-Being

    By Heidi K Brown

    The Flourishing Lawyer offers an empathetic guide for members of the legal profession to cultivate their personal and professional well-being, identify and develop their individual strengths, and define success on their own terms. Drawing from lessons and research from the fields of psychology, health care, sports, and medicine, this book is an affirming guide to becoming a better contributor to the profession while living a flourishing life.

    The Flourishing Lawyer: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Performance and Well-Being

    By Heidi K Brown

    The Flourishing Lawyer: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Performance and Well-Being

    The Flourishing Lawyer: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Performance and Well-Being

    By Heidi K Brown

    The Flourishing Lawyer offers an empathetic guide for members of the legal profession to cultivate their personal and professional well-being, identify and develop their individual strengths, and define success on their own terms. Drawing from lessons and research from the fields of psychology, health care, sports, and medicine, this book is an affirming guide to becoming a better contributor to the profession while living a flourishing life.

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    Table of Contents:

    1. The Field of Positive Psychology: A Booster Shot for Human Flourishing
    2. Let's Get to Work Cultivating Our Multiple Dimensions
    3. Awareness Amplifier #1: Crafting Character through Flexing Strengths, Like Muscles
    4. Awareness Amplifier #2: Finding Flow and Getting Gritty
    5. Our Physical Dimension
    6. Our Emotional Dimension
    7. Our Artistic/Creative Dimension
    8. Our Social Dimension
    9. The Dimension of Culture
    10. Our Spiritual Dimension
    11. Our Occupational Dimension
    12. Our Intellectual Dimension
    13. Our Moral/Ethical Dimension
    14. Our "Caring" or Caregiving Dimension
    15. Appendix A: PERMA Well-Being Components Tracker

      Appendix B: VIA Character Strengths and Virtues Tracker

      Appendix C: Proposed "Flourishing Lawyer Project" Curriculum

      Appendix D: Sample "Personalized Well-Being Framework"

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



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    Publication Date

    5/3/2022 12:00:00 AM


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size


    Publication Date

    5/3/2022 12:00:00 AM

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