Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Role of Consumer Surveys in IP Litigation [CC]
Trademark and Deceptive Advertising Surveys: Law, Science, and Design, Second Edition offers practical tools for recognizing and appreciating good survey methodology and distinguishing valuable evidence from its counterpart.
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Focusing on the various issues that trademark surveys address, this compendium discusses a critical design or analysis topic that an attorney who is presenting, defending, or critiquing a survey must deal with. It brings together the viewpoints of academic and legal experts on surveys and survey methodology, combining both theory and practice in a single resource. Using both actual and hypothetical cases, the authors explain how the courts have addressed these issues and offer strategic guidance on how to identify important issues, understand options, and the optimal way the issues should be handled.
Topics include:
ABA Book Publishing
2/24/2022 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Role of Consumer Surveys in IP Litigation [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Intellectual Property Principles, Problems, and Puzzles: Everyday IP Issues in Business [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Collision of Generative Artificial Intelligence, Consumer Protection, and Antitrust [CC]
Events | In-Person
2025 ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting (IPLSPRING)
ETHICS 60 min
The ABA-IPL Section Annual Meeting (IPLPSRING) is the premier intellectual property conference of the year. The meeting will feature more than 20 CLE sessions, networking events, wellness programs, b…
Events | In-Person
2025 Privacy and Emerging Technology National Institute
ETHICS 60 min
Join us in the city where it happens.Hosted by the ABA Science & Technology Law Section (SciTech), the Privacy and Emerging Technology National Institute combines Privacy with the Section’s Spring Me…
Data Rights Challenges: Tips on Ways to Avoid and Respond
Please join the PCL Intellectual Property Committee for a discussion on Data Rights Challenges. The panel will cover concepts ranging from proposal preparation to record keeping.