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Conflicts of Interest in Client Representation: Affordable Housing [CC]
The Legal Guide to Affordable Housing Development, Third Edition puts together the essential pieces of providing quality affordable housing: a development concept responsive to community needs, suitable land, permissive land use regulations, adequate government funding programs, and creative public-private partnerships.
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The Legal Guide to Affordable Housing Development, Third Edition covers the most important areas of applicable law and provides a comprehensive overview of affordable housing laws. This continues to be a time of challenges for affordable housing, with the now-familiar mortgage and foreclosure crises resulting in a period of deep uncertainty and long-term adjustment. This timely third edition provides not only a past and future perspective from seasoned professionals, but also includes critical updates to all of the chapters from the second edition. New chapters have been added to address the greening of affordable housing, the unprecedented number of severely cost-burdened households and innovative state and local policy responses, and the mortgage crisis of 2008 and the rental crisis caused by COVID-19.
The Legal Guide to Affordable Housing Development is a clearly written, practical resource for attorneys representing local governments (municipalities, counties, housing authorities, and redevelopment agencies), housing developers (both for-profit and nonprofit), investors, financial institutions, and populations eligible for housing. With substantial cross-referencing between chapters and an extensive index for quick access to on-point information, the guide is organized into three separate parts.
ABA Book Publishing
1/28/2022 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Conflicts of Interest in Client Representation: Affordable Housing [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Intersection of Severe Mental Illness, Housing, and the Law [CC]
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Monetizing Energy Credits in Community Development Transactions [CC]