Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Wire Fraud Liability: 2024 Insights from Recent Court Battles
This book provides all relevant guidance documents published by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as well as analysis of key judicial decisions interpreting the Brownfields Amendments.
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CERLCA creates a significant barrier to the redevelopment of brownfield sites, as "parties can be held liable for the entire costs of cleanup, even if they purchased the property after the contamination occurred or were otherwise innocent parties." As a result, developers have been forced to avoid the 450,000 brownfield sites nationwide.
The Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser Defense, A Guide For Lawyers, Second Edition encompasses the relevant guidance documents published by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and provides analysis of the key judicial decisions interpreting the Brownfields Amendments. This information allows the practitioner who is dealing with such issues to have all of resources he or she needs to advise a client. Even the most experienced practitioner will benefit from this book, as the issues and concepts associated with transactions involving contaminated properties have changed over the years and are continually evolving. Chapters include:
ABA Book Publishing
1/11/2022 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Wire Fraud Liability: 2024 Insights from Recent Court Battles
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Retail Ground Leases: A Primer
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Thorny Issues in Charitable Giving
Events | Webinar
Beyond Climate: Are Biodiversity and Nature Disclosures the Next Frontier in Financial Reporting? [CC]
CLE 90 min
ABA SEER's Biodiversity and ESG Committees are excited to co-host a panel on the future of financial and business risks related to nature and biodiversity. The panel will focus on the emerging landsc…
Events | In-Person
Environmental Justice Symposium
CLE 60 min
Over the last five years, there has been an unprecedented focus on environmental justice (EJ), including a proliferation of laws, policies, and practices designed to achieve equity in the development…
Events | Webinar
ESG & Sustainability Roundtable SEERies
Join this discussion of hot topics related to environmental, social, governance, and sustainability developments in the U.S. and beyond. This session will provide attendees with the chance to hear an…