Publications | Book
Street Legal: A Guide to Pre-trial Criminal Procedure for Police, Prosecutors, and Defenders, Second Edition
The author exposes the deadly force script in a unique and informative way by presenting actual case studies where the script was employed following a deadly police encounter. Anyone with an interest in the twin ideals of an equitable system of justice and a professional and bias-free police force will find this book both fascinating and enlightening.
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How many times have you read a news story about someone being shot by the police while reaching for their waistband? Or about an officer who testified at trial that the person he shot during a physical struggle had superhuman strength or a thousand-yard stare in his eyes? And how many times have you watched a police chief or sheriff during a press conference invoke the "21-foot rule" to justify their officer's killing of a mentally ill person with a knife?
These and a host of other verbal devices are what author William Harmening calls the "deadly force script." It is a strategy that has been employed with great success by the law enforcement community in the decades following the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in Tennessee v. Garner (1985), the case that for the first time placed significant restrictions on a police officer's use of deadly force. It is a strategy that has gone relatively unnoticed by the general public, the media, elected prosecutors, and the judges and juries who must rule on the reasonableness of an officer's actions.
Now, perhaps for the very first time, William Harmening pulls back the veil to expose the deadly force script for all to see. He does this in a unique and informative way by presenting actual case studies where the script was employed following a deadly police encounter, typically right under the unsuspecting noses of local media and the prosecutor tasked with deciding whether to criminally charge the officers involved. Anyone with an interest in the twin ideals of an equitable system of justice and a professional and bias-free police force will find this book both fascinating and enlightening.
ABA Book Publishing
9/10/2021 12:00:00 AM
Publications | Book
Street Legal: A Guide to Pre-trial Criminal Procedure for Police, Prosecutors, and Defenders, Second Edition
Publications | Book
The Rights of the Accused under the Sixth Amendment: Trials, Presentation of Evidence, and Confrontation, Third Edition
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
But It's Just Weed! Understanding the Effects of Cannabis Use on Justice-Involved Adults and Adolescents [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Behind the Uniform: Military Personnel and Impaired Driving [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Litigation and Appeals Nuts and Bolts: Best Practices When Working with Pro Bono Clients on High Stakes Case [CC]
Events | In-Person
40th White Collar Crime Institute
ETHICS 60 min
Since its establishment in 1987, the Institute has been attended by leading federal and state judges and prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and mem…
Events | In-Person
The Twelfth Annual London White Collar Crime Institute
CLE 60 min
For the past 12 years, every October we have brought topflight legal practitioners from across the globe to London to discuss hot button issues of global significance to white collar practitioners in…
Events | Webinar
DOJ's New Whistleblower Program [CC]
CLE 60 min
How will DOJ's new whistleblower program change criminal investigations and the litigation they produce? How can companies mitigate any new risks?