About the Author
To help understand the intricacies of Section 1983, Sword and Shield: A Practical Approach to Section 1983 Litigation, Fith Edition, contains expert analysis regarding issues in a Section 1983 case. Fully updated and substantially reorganized with the practitioner in mind, this guide provides a practical approach to this technically difficult and ever-evolving area of law.
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This fifth edition of Sword & Shield: A Practical Approach to Section 1983 Litigation is substantially reorganized to provide practitioners with easier access to the information they need as they are handling civil rights claims. As in prior editions, the authors provide a timely analysis of practical considerations necessary to practice effectively in this technically difficult and ever-evolving area of law. The chapters are now more tightly focused to provide a roadmap for handling civil rights litigation under § 1983. Topics covered are:
ABA Book Publishing
5/12/2021 12:00:00 AM
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