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    Model Business Corporation Act Annotated, Fifth Edition

    Edited by Corporate Laws

    Model Business Corporation Act Annotated, Fifth Edition

    Model Business Corporation Act Annotated, Fifth Edition

    Edited by Corporate Laws

    This Fifth Edition contains all amendments to the Model Act through March 2020, as well as relevant case summaries, law review citations, and citations to the corporation statutes of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The Model Act is designed as a free-standing general corporation statute that can be enacted substantially in its entirety by a state legislature.

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    The Model Business Corporation Act is the general corporation statute for 30+ states and the source of many provisions in the general corporation’s statutes of states that have entirely adopted it. The current Model Act is based on the 1984 Act with significant amendments published in supplements regularly thereafter, including those amendments made in the 2016 revision. Substantive changes since 1984 are described in the Introduction and in the Historical Background sections of the annotation following each statutory section.

    Each section of the Model Act is followed by an Official Comment, prepared by the Corporate Laws Committee, which amplifies and explains the purpose and operation of the section. Some states that have adopted the Model Act have also adopted the Official Comment, sometimes with state-specific changes. Lists of cross references to other relevant provisions of the Model Act are also included. In this edition, the Annotation that follows each section provides the historical background, a summary comparison of it to enacted versions (or variations on it), caselaw developments, and citations to scholarly treatments of it. This edition catalogues numerous recent amendments to state corporation statutes and judicial decisions, including statutory changes through January 1, 2020 (in the case of Montana and Colorado, June 1 and July 1, 2020 respectively.)

    Available to purchasers only, a comprehensive, searchable online site accompanies the four-volume set.

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    ABA Publishing


    Corporate Laws



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    Publication Date

    8/14/2020 12:00:00 AM

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