About the Author
Learn how to navigate one of the fastest growing areas of concern for local governments; the intersection of disability law with land development, planning, and regulation. The author simplifies the task of learning disability law by sorting through and organizing numerous provisions of our federal disability laws and explaining how these provisions relate to everyday practice and decision making.
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More importantly, he author focuses on clearing up the confusion that is often associated with thinking that disability law is really just about designing doorways, bathrooms, and office space. While design issues are important to accessibility, there are many legal issues involved with knowing when certaitn elements of the law are applicable to a situation and in knowing what needs to be done to avoid claims of discrimination. Failure to comply with these requirements can be costly and can result in years of litigation.
This book includes:
• Straightforward discussion of relevant provisions of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), the Fair Housing Act (FHA), the Rehabilitation Act (RHA), and the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) and explanation of terms and concepts under the ADA, FHA, RHA, and ABA;
• Analysis of all three methods of proving discrimination for failure to comply with disability laws;
• Discussion of potential defenses to complaints regarding lack of accessibility—not every request for greater accessibility has to be met, certain criteria apply; and
• Numerous examples and illustrations enhance understanding of rules and regulations.
ABA Book Publishing
5/13/2020 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Allocating Expenses in Commercial Leases
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Lease Issues Relating to Insurance and Lenders
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Leasing Basics
Events | Webinar
End of Lease Term Considerations
CLE 75 min
How should the end of the lease be handled? This session will cover issues related to the end of the lease term, such as restoration, holdover, security deposits, and more.
Events | Webinar
Allocating Expenses in Commercial Leases
CLE 75 min
Panelists will cover what expenses are generally considered in leases and the typical market allocation of these expenses. What are common areas? How are expense increases allocated?
Events | Webinar
Lease Issues Relating to Insurance and Lenders
CLE 75 min
Panelists will provide an overview of insurance and lender issues related to leases. Commonly negotiated insurance provisions will be explained and negotiation tips given.