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How to Future Proof Your SOPs
The reason for compiling the expert opinions in Representing People with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Practical Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers is two-fold: first, there is a growing recognition that people with ASD are involved in the criminal justice system and need vigorous, informed advocacy; and two, that there is a need for practical, easily digestible information for lawyers.
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If you are a criminal defense lawyer, it is inevitable that you are going to represent someone on the Autism Spectrum. Indeed, the Center for Disease Control estimates that one in 59 children are on the spectrum. And because Autism is a lifelong condition, these children will become adults on the spectrum.
But what is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), how will you recognize it in a client, why is it relevant to the criminal justice system, and why do people with ASD get ensnared in the criminal justice system?
The reason for compiling the expert opinions in Representing People with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Practical Guide for Criminal Defense Lawyers is meant to cover the complete anatomy of a criminal case, from the initial encounter with law enforcement, through the bond hearing, through the use of experts, through plea bargaining or dismissal, through resolution, including a sentencing hearing to prison or probation.
ABA Book Publishing
6 x 9, Paperback
4/23/2020 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
How to Future Proof Your SOPs
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National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: Working on Discrete, High-Impact Pro Bono Cases with ALIGHT
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National Human Trafficking Awareness Day: You, Too, Can Represent Survivors
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Monthly Meeting for New Young Lawyers Division Members
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Monthly Meeting for New Young Lawyers Division Members
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