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    Model Tender Offer Agreement

    By Mergers & Acquisitions

    Model Tender Offer Agreement

    Model Tender Offer Agreement

    By Mergers & Acquisitions

    The Task Force on Two-Step Tender Offers created a model agreement with insightful and practical commentary. The Model Tender Offer Agreement contains model provisions and commentary, including key legal considerations, and potential negotiating positions and alternative drafts that might be proposed by a transaction planner for an acquisition of a public company via a two-step tender offer.

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    The Model Tender Offer Agreement is a form of agreement that provides for the acquisition of a publicly-traded company for cash consideration by means of a negotiated tender offer. The Agreement was prepared by members of the American Bar Association Business Law Section?s Mergers and Acquisitions Committee?s Task Force on Two-Step Tender Offers. The model agreement includes explanations of various clauses, particularly those relating to the use of a tender offer structure.

    Commentary on many provisions in the Model Tender Offer Agreement is included to explain the purpose of the provision and to note some alternatives that a target company might consider or that an acquiror might propose. The commentary generally focuses on (but is not limited to) provisions that are unique to a tender offer structure, or where there may be additional considerations in connection with a tender offer structure, rather than on provisions common to both a tender offer structure and a merger structure.

    For a fuller discussion of provisions in public company acquisition agreements, particularly those common to both merger structures and tender offer structures, as well as the use of stock in such acquisitions, reference should also be made to the Model Merger Agreement.

    Product Details


    ABA Publishing



    Page Count


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    Trim Size

    8? x 11

    Publication Date

    11/20/2019 12:00:00 AM

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