About the Author
This guide has become a best-selling classic for law students and attorneys interested in starting an international legal practice - as a private practitioner, as in-house counsel, in the public sector, or working at an NGO. This Fifth Edition presents a broad lineup of diverse contributors, who share their experiences of how they transitioned into international legal practice. Fifteen authors detail their goals, their paths, and how their professional lives have evolved.
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Careers in International Law has become a best-selling classic for law students and attorneys interested in starting an international legal practice - as a private practitioner, as in-house counsel, in the public sector, or working at an NGO. This Fifth Edition presents a broad lineup of diverse contributors, who share their experiences of how they transitioned into international legal practice.
Fifteen authors detail their goals, their paths, and how their professional lives have evolved. Some authors found themselves in the international arena almost by chance or led by client needs, while others created a strategy for developing an international practice. While the diversity of the contributors enlightens the richness of their experiences, each personal story has a take-away message for all.
Sarah Craig
ABA Book Publishing
5/2/2019 12:00:00 AM
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