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    Natural Resource Damages: A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases

    By Brian Israel, Brett Edmund Marston, and Lauren Cole Daniel

    Natural Resource Damages: A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases

    Natural Resource Damages: A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases

    By Brian Israel, Brett Edmund Marston, and Lauren Cole Daniel

    Exploring the jurisprudence, litigation strategy, and paths toward cost effective resolution of natural resource damage cases, this book is built on the authors' combined 30 years of experience handling some of the country's largest and most complex NRD cases. It also provides an annotated compilation of caselaw, consent decrees, cooperative assessment agreements, administrative record submissions, and other materials, as well as a quantitative analysis of all key NRD settlements.

    Natural Resource Damages: A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases

    By Brian Israel, Brett Edmund Marston, and Lauren Cole Daniel

    Natural Resource Damages: A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases

    Natural Resource Damages: A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases

    By Brian Israel, Brett Edmund Marston, and Lauren Cole Daniel

    Exploring the jurisprudence, litigation strategy, and paths toward cost effective resolution of natural resource damage cases, this book is built on the authors' combined 30 years of experience handling some of the country's largest and most complex NRD cases. It also provides an annotated compilation of caselaw, consent decrees, cooperative assessment agreements, administrative record submissions, and other materials, as well as a quantitative analysis of all key NRD settlements.

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    Over the last 20 years, the complexity and cost of natural resource damages (NRD) cases has continued to grow. Recognizing this rapidly expanding area of the law, Natural Resource Damages: A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases provides a guide for companies, attorneys, trustees, and consultants on how to value, litigate, and resolve these cases.

    Based upon the authors' combined 30 years of experience handling some of the largest and most complex NRD cases in the country, the book explores the jurisprudence, litigation strategy, and paths toward cost effective resolution of NRD matters. In addition, this valuable resource provides an annotated compilation of published caselaw, consent decrees, cooperative assessment agreements, administrative record submissions, and other materials. The authors provide a quantitative analysis of all key NRD settlements (under both CERLCA and OPA) to allow companies and trustees to properly assess their own cases in the context of prior results.

    In addition, the authors discuss the NRD regime in the European Union, including a review of the similarities and differences of the EU and United States approaches to environmental damages.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: Introduction
    Chapter 2: NRD Statutes and Regulations
    Chapter 3: NRD Defenses: Legal, Evidentiary, and Procedural
    Chapter 4: NRD Assessments: Regulatory Framework
    Chapter 5: NRD Assessments: Valuation Methods
    Chapter 6: Cooperative NRD Assessments: Strategy and Mechanics
    Chapter 7: NRD Litigation: Strategy, Procedures, and Preparation
    Chapter 8: NRD Restoration: A Strategic Perspective
    Chapter 9: NRD Settlements
    Chapter 10: Complex Situations and Novel Approaches
    Chapter 11: The European NRD Regime
    Appendix, Table of Cases, Index

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    ePub, Kindle (mobi)

    Publication Date

    7/11/2019 12:00:00 AM


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    7 x 10 Paperback

    Publication Date

    7/11/2019 12:00:00 AM

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