Decades of articles on cross-examination from Litigation magazine comprise this group of essays, which collectively cover all aspects of the art. Read together, these pieces resemble vigorous conversation on the art of cross-examination amongst skilled advocates, judges, and law professors, sometimes agreeing and occasionally disagreeing and contradicting each other, giving the reader a well-rounded understanding of the subject.
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This indispensable collection of articles from Litigation magazine provides trial lawyers a blueprint for success in the art of effective cross-examination. With tips ranging from technical to practical, a lawyer preparing for cross-examination will find guidance on every angle: impeachment; how to prepare and ask questions; timing; and examining various types of witnesses.
With skill that can only come from vast trial experience, Charlie Gibbons reviewed and analyzed articles spanning the course of forty years, extracting key principles on the art of cross-examination that are essential for trial lawyers to master. This is a must read for every lawyer who will cross-examine a witness before a jury. A great how-to book for the inexperienced trial lawyer and an effective reminder to the experienced litigator about why it’s called the “art” of cross-examination.
ABA Book Publishing
6x9 Paperback
7/24/2014 12:00:00 AM
Publications | Book
A Streetwise Guide to Litigation
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Best Practices for Film & Television Profit Participation Arbitrations [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Litigation and Appeals Nuts and Bolts: Best Practices When Working with Pro Bono Clients on High Stakes Case [CC]
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Conducting Discovery for Summary Judgment and Trial [CC]
Events | In-Person
2025 Joint Regional CLE Program
BIAS 60 min
This multi-day program will feature eight plenary presentations on hot litigation topics, including committee-specific content, broader litigation interests, and ethics.
Events | Webinar
How to Take Advantage of Recent Amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence [CC]
CLE 60 min
Would you like to know the most recent amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence, understand the significance of these amendments, and successfully apply strategies to take advantage of these amend…
Events | In-Person
2024 Professional Success Summit
BIAS 60 min
This prestigious CLE and networking event is dedicated to the empowerment of litigators from backgrounds that have traditionally been underrepresented in the legal profession.