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    Model Jury Instructions: Construction Litigation, Second Edition

    Edited by Edward B Gentilcore and Melissa A Beutler

    Model Jury Instructions: Construction Litigation, Second Edition

    Model Jury Instructions: Construction Litigation, Second Edition

    Edited by Edward B Gentilcore and Melissa A Beutler

    The instructions in this edition have been prepared to allow construction litigators to present proposed instructions to the judge that either track verbatim these model instructions or are based upon the instructions. These models accurately and impartially present the elements and critical definitions of construction law in language that is understandable and familiar to the average juror.

    Model Jury Instructions: Construction Litigation, Second Edition

    Edited by Edward B Gentilcore and Melissa A Beutler

    Model Jury Instructions: Construction Litigation, Second Edition

    Model Jury Instructions: Construction Litigation, Second Edition

    Edited by Edward B Gentilcore and Melissa A Beutler

    The instructions in this new edition have been prepared to allow construction litigators to present proposed instructions to the judge that either track verbatim these model instructions or are based upon the instructions. These models accurately and impartially present the elements and critical definitions of construction law in language that is understandable and familiar to the average juror.

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    Updating the original book published in 2001, the second edition of Model Jury Instructions: Construction Litigation supplies modifications to jury charges where the law has changed, and provides additional case law support where courts have issued new opinions and states that had not been included in the citations in 2001 have now taken a position. Construction jurisprudence is limited in many states due to resolution through arbitration, necessitating reliance on secondary sources for guidance in this area. This compilation of instructions aims to be a reliable source for resolving conflict over jury instruction language.

    The instructions allow for easy adaptation to particular cases or points. The instructions cover: contract formation, contractor’s obligations before bidding, bidding, implied terms of contract, changes and extra work, delay and disruption, breach of contract, breach of warranty, termination, defenses, damages, and payment.

    Product Details



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    6x9 Paperback

    Publication Date

    6/16/2015 12:00:00 AM



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Publication Date

    6/16/2015 12:00:00 AM

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