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    Money & Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions

    By Lili Vasileff

    Money &  Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions

    Money & Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions

    By Lili Vasileff

    This book is, in essence, a step-by-step roadmap of everything you need to know about the financial aspects of divorce. It is a great resource to initiate self-empowerment and take control over your divorce.

    Money & Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions

    By Lili Vasileff

    Money &  Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions

    Money & Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions

    By Lili Vasileff

    This book is, in essence, a step-by-step roadmap of everything you need to know about the financial aspects of divorce. It is a great resource to initiate self-empowerment and take control over your divorce.
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    Most people head straight into divorce without preparing themselves for the journey that lies ahead. Whether or not the divorce is of your choosing, you need the necessary guidance and useful information.

    Financial planning for the future is an essential part of every divorce settlement. Separating couples often face a significant financial transformation. The bottom line is that two households must now survive on the dollars that formerly supported one. Transition is a critical time when you need the most help to understand the pros and cons of your financial options, how to set priorities, and when to reach a settlement with confidence.

    Money & Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions will help you make informed and intelligent choices concerning financial issues in divorce. The book explains the fundamentals—illustrating how to set goals, deal with finances, navigate the legal process, and protect against unforeseen events.

    Over the years, author Lili A. Vasileff has worked with thousands of couples and individuals to offer divorce financial planning before, during, and after divorce, as well as mediation, collaborative divorce, financial forensics, expert testimony in court, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, and wealth management. Because every divorce is unique, expert guidance can often be the ace needed to effectively manage the settlement process and guarantee not just financial survival, but also success. This book is a valuable resource to help readers accomplish their goals with dignity, confidence, and a sense of security.

    Praise for Money and Divorce

    “Money and Divorce provides a comprehensive and practical guide to those contemplating divorce or suffering through it, and to attorneys engaged in the process. Unique and readable––Lili Vasileff has provided valuable assistance to the bar and the public.”

    ––Honorable Sondra Miller, Ret. Appellate Division 2d Dep’t. New York State; Chairperson of the Matrimonial Commission of the State of New York; Chief Counsel, McCarthy Fingar, White Plains, NY

    “In a time where divorce is an everyday reality and more marriages fail than succeed, everyone is affected by the process. Whether you are the troubled spouse––or a loved one or friend of one––this book offers a primer of procedures, financial and pre-divorce planning, definitions of commonly used terms, do’s and don’ts, and shoulds and shouldn’ts that will remove the mystique of this family crisis. Succinctly, it is an invaluable resource. As a divorce lawyer of more than 50 years, I have never read a more excellent or detailed discussion of a topic that impacts at least 50 percent of our marriages and the failure of them. This excellent book is broken down to extremely well-defined topics and is recommended as an invaluable resource.”

    ––Arthur Balbirer, former President of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers; Founding Fellow of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

    “If you have questions and concerns about divorce and finances, Money and Divorce has the answers, tips, and cautions. Lili Vasileff, CFP, CDFA speaks to you in plain English, as if you are sitting together in her office. She goes over virtually every aspect of divorce finances, and answers your questions in a straightforward, no-nonsense, yet kind and thoughtful manner. You don't need a degree in finance or economics if you have this book and Lili's wisdom.”
    ––Jeff Zimmerman, Ph.D., ABPP Clinical Psychologist and co-author of Loving Your Children More Than You Hate Each Other: Powerful Tools for Navigating a High-Conflict Divorce (New Harbinger Publications)

    “I participated in the review of Lili’s book, Money and Divorce, and find it very helpful for anyone contemplating or going through a divorce. The book helps any litigant understand the complexities of the financial aspects of divorce and the tools necessary to navigate through the process, and helps the reader comprehend why attorneys ask for the information they request. Every client going through their own family law case should read this book.”

    ––Lori W. Nelson, Alumni Relations Director, University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law; former Chair of the American Bar Association Family Law Section; former Utah State Bar President

    Product Details


    Section of Family Law


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    6 x 9 paperback

    Publication Date

    11/20/2017 12:00:00 AM


    Section of Family Law


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Publication Date

    11/20/2017 12:00:00 AM

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