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    The Full Weight of the Law: How Legal Professionals Can Recognize and Rebound from Depression

    By Shawn Healy and Jeffrey Fortgang

    The Full Weight of the Law: How Legal Professionals Can Recognize and Rebound from Depression

    The Full Weight of the Law: How Legal Professionals Can Recognize and Rebound from Depression

    By Shawn Healy and Jeffrey Fortgang

    This book helps lawyers and the people who care about them understand the causes and symptoms of depression, various forms of treatment, and how to help a lawyer who may suffer from the condition.

    The Full Weight of the Law: How Legal Professionals Can Recognize and Rebound from Depression

    By Shawn Healy and Jeffrey Fortgang

    The Full Weight of the Law: How Legal Professionals Can Recognize and Rebound from Depression

    The Full Weight of the Law: How Legal Professionals Can Recognize and Rebound from Depression

    By Shawn Healy and Jeffrey Fortgang

    This book helps lawyers and the people who care about them understand the causes and symptoms of depression, various forms of treatment, and how to help a lawyer who may suffer from the condition.

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    Law students and lawyers report having a significantly higher rate of depression than the general population. When untreated, depression affects lawyers and their clients, families, friends, and colleagues. In addition to the effects of mental health conditions on lawyers' lives, the same disorders can lead to substantial disciplinary issues that threaten attorneys’ ability to practice law.

    Unfortunately, for many struggling with burdens like depression, it is only when they reach their breaking point, or encounter unavoidable professional consequences, that they feel ready to reach out for assistance. So many benefits could be derived if the problems that can grow to consume a lawyer’s life and career are solved early.

    Authors Shawn Healy, Ph.D., and Jeffrey Fortgang, Ph.D. work directly with lawyers, law students, and judges who are suffering because of depression. In this book they offer hope through practical, realistic recommendations to help lawyers and the people who care about them understand the causes and symptoms of depression, various forms of treatment, and how to help a lawyer who may suffer from the condition.

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    6 x 9 Paperback

    Publication Date

    9/26/2017 12:00:00 AM


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    ePub, Kindle (mobi)

    Publication Date

    9/26/2017 12:00:00 AM

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