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    A Lawyer's Handbook: Volume 1 - The Domestic Violence Civil Law Manual, 4th Edition

    Edited by Bonnie Ellen Carlson

    A Lawyer's Handbook: Volume 1 - The Domestic Violence Civil Law Manual, 4th Edition

    A Lawyer's Handbook: Volume 1 - The Domestic Violence Civil Law Manual, 4th Edition

    Edited by Bonnie Ellen Carlson

    A Lawyer's Handbook: Volume 1 - The Domestic Violence Civil Law Manual: Protection Orders and Family Law Cases (4th Edition) manual is intended to be useful to both beginning and experienced attorneys who are interested in gaining a better understanding of how domestic violence affects their clients' cases, and in developing the skills necessary to effectively and safely represent victims. It offers both techniques and tools to enhance the organization, skill, and strategy an attorney may use when approaching a domestic violence case.

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    The format is loose-leaf so that attorneys can both customize the resource by adding materials of their own or remove pages from the manual to take with them to court.

    The Civil Law Manual is available free of cost for OVW grantees - Request the discount code.

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    Publication Date

    7/14/2017 12:00:00 AM

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