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    Cultural Property Law: A Practitioner's Guide to the Management, Protection, and Preservation of Heritage Resources, Second Edition

    By Sherry Hutt, Caroline Meredith Blanco, and Stanley N Harris

    Cultural Property Law: A Practitioner's Guide to the Management, Protection, and Preservation of Heritage Resources, Second Edition

    Cultural Property Law: A Practitioner's Guide to the Management, Protection, and Preservation of Heritage Resources, Second Edition

    By Sherry Hutt, Caroline Meredith Blanco, and Stanley N Harris

    A growing area of practice, cultural property law crosses into many legal disciplines. This is a comprehensive yet user-friendly overview of all major components of an interdisciplinary legal practice that extends from government and tribal management of land to federal underwater resource management to the national and international laws governing museums and the arts marketplace.

    See Table of Contents under "Read More."

    Cultural Property Law: A Practitioner's Guide to the Management, Protection, and Preservation of Heritage Resources, Second Edition

    By Sherry Hutt, Caroline Meredith Blanco, and Stanley N Harris

    Cultural Property Law: A Practitioner's Guide to the Management, Protection, and Preservation of Heritage Resources, Second Edition

    Cultural Property Law: A Practitioner's Guide to the Management, Protection, and Preservation of Heritage Resources, Second Edition

    By Sherry Hutt, Caroline Meredith Blanco, and Stanley N Harris

    A growing area of practice, cultural property law crosses into many legal disciplines. This is a comprehensive yet user-friendly overview of all major components of an interdisciplinary legal practice that extends from government and tribal management of land to federal underwater resource management to the national and international laws governing museums and the arts marketplace.

    See Table of Contents under "Read More."

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    Crossing into many disciplines, cultural property law continues to grow as an established area of practice and study. This updated edition of Cultural Property Law provides a comprehensive, user-friendly overview of all major components of an interdisciplinary legal practice that extends from government and tribal management of land to federal underwater resource management to the national and international laws governing museums and the arts marketplace.

    Defined as the tangible and intangible effects of an individual or group of people that defines their existence, cultural property not only fills art museums, but is also in private homes, places of worship, and within the natural landscape of public lands. Cultural property law has evolved from the common law of property to encompass a broad array of statutes and codes that direct the management, protection, and preservation of cultural resources in their many public and private manifestations. Important statutes have been used to preserve heritage, including the National Historic Preservation Act, the Archeological Resources Protection Act, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, and others.

    This is a practical guide to how these laws and other state, tribal, and international statutes and policies intended to protect and administer these resources are applied and how they can be interpreted. While the issues that come within the area of cultural property and heritage resources law can often be highly charged, discussion in this book is presented in a neutral and balanced manner. Each chapter identifies the laws and controlling cases as well as the issues that may arise in handling a case, and concludes with frequently asked questions. Chapters focus on the key areas of practice in protecting and administering cultural property, including:

    • Federal management, including compliance and enforcement
    • State, local, and private management, including both civil and criminal law enforcement
    • Indian law and tribal management
    • Federal management of underwater resources
    • Museum administration and collections management
    • International management
    Chapter 1: Federal Management of Cultural Property
    Chapter 2: State, Local, and Private Management of Cultural Property
    Chapter 3: Tribal Management of Cultural Property
    Chapter 4: Federal Management of Underwater Cultural Property
    Chapter 5: Museum Management of Cultural Property
    Chapter 6: Cultural Property in the Marketplace
    Chapter 7: International Laws on Cultural Property
    Table of Authorities: Federal
    Table of Authorities: State
    Glossary of Law
    Annotated Bibliography: Cases, Books, and Journal Articles
    Web Sites

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    6 x 9 Paperback

    Publication Date

    1/17/2017 12:00:00 AM


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    6 x 9

    Publication Date

    1/17/2017 12:00:00 AM

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