The Complete Guide to Divorce Practice: Forms and Procedures for the Lawyer, Fifth Edition is a solid resource for all lawyers, whether for those just starting out or for those who want to build up their document library. It is a proven system that provides a winning strategy for family law practices. This complete divorce practice system can easily be customized to fit each jurisdiction and case, providing over 500 documents to efficiently take clients through every step of the divorce practice.
The guide is easy to use, arranged in the natural order of the divorce experience. Starting with clients, it follows through the interview, proceeds through discovery, negotiations, mediation, trial and ends with prenuptial agreements.
Content includes forms, checklists, worksheets, formal motions, orders, pleadings, agreements, and letters in the following areas:
- Law office management
- Clients
- Client interview
- Complaints
- Discovery
- Marital dissolution agreement
- Alternative dispute resolution
- Trial
- Final decree
- Motions
- Petitions
- Consent orders
- Orders
- Miscellaneous pleadings
- Letters
- Pre and post-marital agreements