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Every law firm needs a business development strategy—rainmakers are the breadwinners for firms and the heart and soul of recruiting and maintaining clients. But how are rainmakers created? How do you turn a smart law school graduate into a marketing maven? And how does law firm management ensure that members of the firm are learning the art and science of being a rainmaker?
Building Rainmakers: The Definitive Guide to Business Development for Lawyers is a complete encyclopedia of business development training techniques, indispensable advice for law firm management, partners, and associates looking to successfully bring in clients. Tips and tools are distilled from interviews with more than thirty leaders and innovators in rainmaking and business development training, including associates, partners, and mentors from Baker McKenzie, Stinson Leonard Street, Duane Morris, Nixon Peabody, and the LawVision Group.
A clear and precise business development mentoring path can give law firm leaders confidence that the firm is creating and deploying rainmakers. Building Rainmakers provides not only business development techniques that can help your law firm train and coach very talented attorneys into very successful rainmakers, but also the metrics necessary to make sure it’s happening and measure its progress.
The new market reality requires a very high level of business development skills. Building Rainmakers will help you and your firm compete in today’s highly competitive marketplace.
Praise for Building Rainmakers
"In my opinion, Building Rainmakers is the new Webster's of rainmaking and legal marketing. As you know, its list of contributors reads like the who's who of legal marketing experts across the country. The chapters are all encompassing, substantive and very easy to follow and understand their content. It should be required reading for all lawyers. It will be required reading for all Burr & Forman lawyers. I really am impressed with all that has gone into this and I believe it will be a wonderful teaching and learning tool for lawyers across the country."
—W. Lee Thuston, Partner, Burr Forman, Birmingham, AL
"Kudos to author David Keller for gathering some of the 'best in the biz' who share many expert ideas, advice, and concrete steps all targeted at successful business generation. From business development to coaching to elevator pitches to having a client focused approach, the quick find feature of alphabetized topics makes it easy to locate a bounty of ideas from some of our industries’ best minds. The exhibits at the back of the book offer forms to help marketers turn the ideation of successful business development into action."
—Merry Neitlich, Partner, Extreme Marketing, Irvine, CA
"David Keller's newest offering, Building Rainmakers, is a must-have for legal professionals involved in business development at any level. Whether searching for an in-depth strategy or simply for the answer to a quick question about a particular piece of the business development process, there is something for everyone. David brings together a 'who's who' of business development leaders to share insights and best practices, in an easily navigated format. Don't miss out on this valuable resource."
—Paula K. Barnes, President, Association of Legal Administrators (2014-2015), Legal Administrator, Burr & Forman LLP, Nashville, Tennessee
"Building Rainmakers = Success Stories You Can Implement + Practical Advice from True Authorities. Thank you David King Keller. This is a MUST read for all in the industry!"
—Beth Cuzzone, Co-Founder and Board Member, Legal Sales and Service Organization, Director of Client Service & Business Development, Goulston & Storrs, Boston, MA
"Building Rainmakers is a useful tool for coaching and mentoring future rainmakers. It is comprehensive and easy to use. It is both a basic textbook and a guide for advanced concepts for improving rainmaking results. I will use it for my firm's coaching program and rainmaking courses."
—David B. Markowitz, Co-Founder, Markowitz Herbold PC, Portland, OR
"A lawyer’s ability to develop new opportunities for legal work is key to long-term success in every law firm. But it is much easier said than done. That is why Building Rainmakers is such a terrific resource for every lawyer regardless of career stage and professional setting. Its rich diversity of contributors and perspectives, broad array of topics, ease of use, and keen balance between strategic and tactical make this the ‘go to’ guide for lawyers and law firms seeking to develop new and sustainable client relationships. This is a practical manual that is sure to help lawyers differentiate themselves and achieve real results for themselves and their firms."
—William C. Hubbard, Past President, American Bar Association (2014-2015),Partner, Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
"Through invaluable insight gleaned from conversations with more than 50 leading law firm business development professionals, David Keller has created a comprehensive and easy-to-use roadmap for successful rainmaking. The advice shared in this book is of benefit to lawyers at any level of their career. Whether the topic is creating a business development plan, cross-selling, conducting client interviews, or the use of social media, the reader will find clear guidance on more than 400 strategies that are actionable and represent the best practices in business development."
—Linda A. Klein, President Elect, American Bar Association (2016-2017), Partner, Baker Donelson
"More than at any time before, lawyers need to know how to develop business and provide a financial return to their firms. This excellent new guide to all aspects of business development provides a definitive primer on business development that will help readers thrive as rainmakers within their firms. This is a valuable book for all of us in private legal practice."
—James R. Silkenat, Past President, American Bar Association (2013-2014), Partner, Sullivan & Worcester
"Rainmakers are made, not born, and rainmaking is as much a science as an art. Learning and practicing the well-established techniques of great rainmakers is the best way to learn how to become one. This book will set you on that path."
—Stephen N. Zack, Past President, American Bar Association (2010-2011), Administrative Partner, Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP
"In one book, Keller has assembled the 'who’s who and what’s what' of business development. I challenge anyone to read this book and not find something they can’t learn, apply, or improve. The range of tips, tools, best practices, and perspectives is far reaching and the ideas range from conceptual and high level to precisely practical. Keller’s book is a wonderful complement to any business developer’s toolkit whether they are an experienced rainmaker or are just beginning to explore the topic."
—Alycia Sutor, President, Legal Marketing Association (LMA), International Board of Directors (2014-2015), Advisory Board, Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO), Partner, Akina Corp., A Growthplay Company
"Over fifty thought leaders share their best strategies for growth in this highly informative book."
—Paulette Brown, ABA President (2015-2016)
ABA Book Publishing
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