Publications | Book
Construction Subcontracting: A Comprehensive Practical and Legal Guide
Sweet on Construction Law is a compilation of stories, ideas, whimsicalities and opinions of a man who has spent most of his life in construction law.
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This new book, titled Sweet on Construction Law, is based on a series of lectures delivered by Professor Justin Sweet. Sweet, a seasoned writer in the field of construction law, departs from the conventional method of legal writing and writes in the conversational manner he uses to captivate audiences in his lectures. He engages you with anecdotes, personal experiences and heretical opinions about the construction world. Sweet on Construction Law will clarify the issues and suggest solutions so you can counsel your client at various stages from planning through completion of construction projects. The book offers you pros and cons on using various types of contracts, cost-methods, and systems when building. It also helps you analyze the strength of your client's case and predict outcomes when considering litigation. Sweet on Construction Law is a compilation of stories, ideas, whimsicalities and opinions of a man who has spent most of his life in construction law.
ABA Book Publishing
7x10 Paperback
1/1/1997 12:00:00 AM
Publications | Book
Construction Subcontracting: A Comprehensive Practical and Legal Guide
Publications | Book
Construction ADR
Publications | Book
Fundamentals of Construction Law, Second Edition
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Complex Construction Disputes: Blueprints for Success in Multi-Party Mediation [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
AI's Growing Impact on Construction and Construction Law [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Claims and Defenses in Construction Defect Litigation [CC]
Events | In-Person
Forum on Construction Law 2025 Trial Academy
SKILLS 60 min
Using a factual scenario specifically authored to focus on issues commonly encountered on construction projects, this three-day intensive trial skills training program will teach attorney students th…
Events | Webinar
Cybersecurity: The Evolving Threats and Increased Enforcement Challenges for The Construction Industry and Government Contractors
CLE 90 min
This program will detail the growing eyber threats especially in the area of ransomware and nation state cyberattacks; highlight the latest developments in cybersecurity regulations and compliance; d…