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    Motion Practice and Persuasion

    Motion Practice and Persuasion

    Motion Practice and Persuasion

    This book examines the fundamental principles of motion practice and will help you craft motions that address specific legal needs in clear and persuasive prose.

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    Motions are an essential piece of a winning litigation strategy. An effective motion can solve problems for lawyers and clients and put a case in a better position to win at trial. To take advantage of these opportunities, a litigator must be a master at making and opposing motions, particularly the written motion.

    This book examines the fundamental principles of motion practice and will help you craft motions that address specific legal needs in clear and persuasive prose. Don't copy an old motion and struggle to make it apply to your case. Write a motion with increased clarity and power. With the tips and strategies outlined in the book, you will create original motions that will help you persuade - and win.

    Instead of merely laying out rules, this book outlines the analysis that a lawyer must make in writing and presenting a motion. It also covers: the three critical factors you must consider in preparing or opposing any motion and the five hurdles a motion must overcome to result in an order. Motion Practice and Persuasion is a must-read for new lawyers and for lawyers who want to fine-tune their motion practice skills. You won't write motions the same way again.

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    6x9 Paperback

    Publication Date

    2/6/2006 12:00:00 AM

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