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    Client Letters for the Family Lawyer: Saving Time, Managing Relationships, and Practicing Preventive Law

    By Mark Eugene Sullivan

    Client Letters for the Family Lawyer: Saving Time, Managing Relationships, and Practicing Preventive Law

    Client Letters for the Family Lawyer: Saving Time, Managing Relationships, and Practicing Preventive Law

    By Mark Eugene Sullivan

    Manage client questions about family law issues with this library of informative, client-friendly handouts. Forms cover both general and state-specific legal issues, explaining important information in an easy-to-understand manner, many in Q&A format, and can be modified to suit your practice and jurisdiction.

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    Clients need information when they start working with a family lawyer that's a given. How can you best share important information to save their time and yours, while helping to avoid future claims that they were not informed about key issues upfront? Formal client handouts are an invaluable resource for accomplishing both objectives.

    Client Letters for the Family Lawyer offers practice-tested forms, letters, and checklists that are designed to educate and inform your clients. Sample informative handouts in plain English clearly explain various issues involved in the legal process, while using these checklists and forms are a convenient and logical way to obtain and manage critical client information. Author Mark E. Sullivan makes it easy for family lawyers to adopt this handout strategy" in their daily legal practice.

    The numerous documents in Client Letters for the Family Lawyer cover the most common topics in family law practice, including legal fees, the trial process, adoption, custody, property division, and much more. Many handouts are written in question-and-answer format that is easy for clients to understand. Forms are organized logically for easy use by the lawyer and law firm staff:

    Part 1: Office Procedures, including dispute resolution, firm procedures, and fees

    Part II: Discovery and Trial Procedures

    Part III: State-Specific Issues, ranging from adoption and custody to wills and property division

    Part IV: General or Federal Law, coving topics such as custody, family support and separation Aspects of the same topic can be discussed in different parts of the book, such as the state-specific aspects of property division and the federal aspects of the same issue.

    Many of the book's forms are provided on the accompanying CD-ROM.

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    7 x 10 Paperback

    Publication Date

    8/21/2013 12:00:00 AM

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