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International Stock Purchase Acquisitions (Paperback): Summaries of International Law [SALE: Was $149.95 / Now 50% Off!]
An essential companion to the ABA Best Seller Model Stock Purchase Agreement with Commentary, for non-U.S. acquisitions. [SALE: Was $149.95 / Now 50% Off!]
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An essential companion to the ABA Best Seller Model Stock Purchase Agreement with Commentary, for non-US acquisitions. This resource contains succinct comparisons of the law and practice of acquisitions via purchase of shares, in over 20 countries, each in the form of responses to a model questionnaire. The responses, prepared by legal counsel in each jurisdiction represented, highlight key issues arising in each jurisdiction.
In addition to the questionniare and the responses, the book includes comparative tables, broken down by region or local system, summarizing some of the more important information taken from the responses.
Written by the Mergers and Acquisitions Committee of the Business Law Section.
ABA Book Publishing
Mergers and Acquisitions
8 1/2 x 11 Paperback
6/27/2006 12:00:00 AM
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