ISBN: 978-1-57073-104-4
Product Code: 5070283
1995, 160 pages, 8? ?11
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An essential companion to the Model Stock Purchase Agreement with Commentary. Designed to address the myriad acquisition situations business lawyers may encounter, the Manual identifies factual inquiries and legal analyses regularly used in the buyer's pre-closing review of acquired companies. Each chapter seller's treats a substantive area of law that may be implicated by the sellers representations and warranties in the purchase agreement. The Manual describes the documents and other information that buyers should request from sellers, a comprehensive list of procedures that should be followed, and includes commentary that will alert you to relevant legal issues and potential signs of danger.
Published by the Mergers and Aquisitions Committee of the Business Law Section.
ABA Book Publishing
Mergers and Acquisitions
8 1/2 x 11 Paperback
1/1/1995 12:00:00 AM
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