Publications | Book
A Life In The Law: Advice For Young Lawyers
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As a law school graduate, you are deeply trained and a member of one of the most distinguished professions of all time. Still, law school has not prepared you for the complexities and demands of actually practicing law. You, like so many other professionals--athletes, singers, entrepreneurs--can benefit from a coach, a mentor, someone watching over you as you embark on your legal career.
Thrive: A New Lawyer's Guide to Law Firm Practice is designed to do just that. Thrive will improve your performance, save you some very real growing pains, and accelerate your legal career. This book is for lawyers who are just beginning their careers, who want to do more than show up, act eagerly, and not get fired. This is for lawyers who want to know what their role is in a law firm from day one and take their careers head-on, with direction and purpose. This is for you if you don't care to be frustrated or overwhelmed by your career, but awakened. This is for you if you know that you want to become a leader in your law firm, practice area, or industry down the line. Are you in?
ABA Book Publishing
10/19/2013 12:00:00 AM
Publications | Book
A Life In The Law: Advice For Young Lawyers
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Civility and the Death of the Rambo Lawyer [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Lawyering with Emotional Intelligence: What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Develop It [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Developing an Inclusive Legal Internship Program for Your Law Office [CC]
Monthly Meeting for New Young Lawyers Division Members
Join us for an introduction to the Young Lawyers Division. We also want to hear your goals for membership, show you how to make the most of your membership, and answer your questions.
Monthly Meeting for New Young Lawyers Division Members
Join us for an introduction to the Young Lawyers Division. We also want to hear your goals for membership, show you how to make the most of your membership, and answer your questions.
Monthly Meeting for New Young Lawyers Division Members
Join us for an introduction to the Young Lawyers Division. We also want to hear your goals for membership, show you how to make the most of your membership, and answer your questions.