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    A Brief Guide to Brief Writing: Demystifying the Memorandum of Law

    By Janet S Kole

    A Brief Guide to Brief Writing: Demystifying the Memorandum of Law

    A Brief Guide to Brief Writing: Demystifying the Memorandum of Law

    By Janet S Kole

    Persuasive brief writing—which involves a combination of legal reasoning and good storytelling—is a skill that can be learned by following the principles in this book. Learn how to construct your client’s story in a manner that effectively shows the court why your client should win.

    A Brief Guide to Brief Writing: Demystifying the Memorandum of Law

    By Janet S Kole

    A Brief Guide to Brief Writing: Demystifying the Memorandum of Law

    A Brief Guide to Brief Writing: Demystifying the Memorandum of Law

    By Janet S Kole

    Persuasive brief writing—which involves a combination of legal reasoning and good storytelling—is a skill that can be learned by following the principles in this book. Learn how to construct your client’s story in a manner that effectively shows the court why your client should win.

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    A Brief Guide to Brief Writing is the third in a series of practice guides by experienced litigator Janet Kole. Covering topics that include ethical principles, lower court/appellate court distinctions, and JDAs, the author’s honest and direct guidelines will help shape the brief writing of both veteran and new attorneys. Finally, her lively instructions on the craft of writing are summarized in seven Persuasive Writing Rules of Thumb:

    • Grab the reader with your best, most equitable reason for why your client should win
    • Use acceptable but informal formal language
    • Use plain jargon-free language
    • Use metaphors, allegory, and shorthand phrases very sparingly
    • Keep your sentences and paragraphs short
    • Use the active voice where possible
    • Show the court that your story is the best; don’t tell the court that it is

    This book can utilized as an outline or a refresher for any type of brief that must be written, whether it’s a main brief or reply brief, and whether it’s before a lower court or appellate court.

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



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    Publication Date

    9/16/2013 12:00:00 AM


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


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    Publication Date

    9/16/2013 12:00:00 AM

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