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    An Introduction to Law Firm Practice

    By Michael P Downey

    An Introduction to Law Firm Practice

    An Introduction to Law Firm Practice

    By Michael P Downey

    Introduction to Law Firm Practice is a systematic study of how lawyers practice law at private firms and will help you navigate your way through how a law firm operates.

    An Introduction to Law Firm Practice

    By Michael P Downey

    An Introduction to Law Firm Practice

    An Introduction to Law Firm Practice

    By Michael P Downey

    Introduction to Law Firm Practice is a systematic study of how lawyers practice law at private firms and will help you navigate your way through how a law firm operates.

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    Navigating your way through a law firm practice can be overwhelming, especially in larger firms. A firm is made up of equity and non-equity partners, senior attorneys, senior associates, "Of Counsel" designates, associates, and interns, in addition to the paralegals, managers, and support staff that all help make a law firm run effectively and efficiently.

    A new guide by the ABA Law Practice Management Section, Introduction to Law Firm Practice, is a systematic study of how lawyers practice law at private firms and will help you navigate your way through how a law firm operates. In an easy-to-read format, this guide contains basic information on a law firm, such as "how do equity and non-equity partners differ" and who is "Of Counsel" to more advanced concepts, such as a discussion of the market for legal services and strategic alignment of a law firm.

    This guide discusses:

    • the organizational structure and promotional tracks for the firms work;
    • how firms develop business and generate revenue;
    • lawyer compensation and the review process;
    • intake of client matter, including engagement letters, retainers, and conflict checking;
    • law firm profitability;
    • business development efforts for new clients, such as advertising, direct mail and email, in-person solicitation, preparing RFP/RFI responses, and more;
    • firm culture and demands on your time;
    • mentoring; and
    • much more!

    Whether you're a law student interested in working in a law firm or a young lawyer who would like to gain a better understanding of how your law firm operates, this guide will provide you with the "ins" and "outs" you need to help you navigate your way through a law firm and excel in such a firm.

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    6 x 9 Paperback

    Publication Date

    3/30/2010 12:00:00 AM


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    iOS/Android (ePub)

    Publication Date

    3/30/2010 12:00:00 AM

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