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Winning your case in court is only half the battle. It's a fact that some people hide their assets to avoid paying debts and judgments. This truly unique book will show you how to find and reach that hidden money.
Author David J. Cook is a veteran collections attorney who has been chasing down debtors for over 39 years. He is well known for representing Ronald Goldman's father in collecting the multi-million dollar civil judgment against O.J. Simpson.
This colorfully written book will teach you the basics of civil remedies, real estate, finance, and sleuthing. The author outlines for you the power of the bluff and the outer parameters of threat, when a threat becomes extortion, and when you need to walk away from a situation.
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This book is about collecting debts, finding assets, enforcing judgments against difficult people, or, should you be so inclined, beating out your creditors.
ABA Book Publishing
7x10 Paperback
5/23/2014 12:00:00 AM
Publications | Book
Music Law for the General Practitioner
Publications | Book
Minding Your Own Business: The Solo and Small Firm Lawyer's Guide to a Profitable Practice
Publications | Book
Federal Tax Procedures for Attorneys, Second Edition
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Digital Assets and Banking: Adoption (and Disruption) is Accelerating [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Guiding People Through Bankruptcy: A Primer on the Law & Client Counseling [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Commercial Law Developments [CC]
Events | Webinar
Health Law and Life Sciences Committee Membership Meeting
Join the Health Law and Life Sciences Committee for their quarterly committee membership meeting.
Events | In-Person
Business Law Spring Meeting 2025
ETHICS 60 min
Join us for the Business Law Spring Meeting in New Orleans, April 24–26, where the magic of the Big Easy meets the world of business law. This is the can't-miss event for professionals across the glo…
Events | In-Person
2025 Privacy and Emerging Technology National Institute
ETHICS 60 min
Join us in the city where it happens.Hosted by the ABA Science & Technology Law Section (SciTech), the Privacy and Emerging Technology National Institute combines Privacy with the Section’s Spring Me…