About the Author
Changing Lives: Lawyers Fighting for Children
Without legal representation, the children profiled in this book likely would have gone down a path that was detrimental to their safety, well-being, and ultimately their ability to grow into happy and successful adults. This book illustrates the difference that attorneys can make in the life of a child in need.
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Changing Lives: Lawyers Fighting for Children demonstrates the critical role that attorneys play in changing the life courses of our most at-risk children. Each chapter portrays a real-life case of a child in crisis and describes in detail the lawyering that was brought to bear to achieve the best outcome for that child. In describing these cases, the authors share a wealth of valuable information—including primers on relevant statutory and case law, tips on conducting investigations, advice on utilizing experts, guidance on including social workers and other child-serving professionals on the legal team, and multiple checklists for motion practice and trial advocacy—that will assist practitioners in various areas of the law, including:
The authors hope to raise awareness about the need for legal representation for children and to encourage and support attorneys who advocate for children, both those who do this as a full-time vocation and members of the private bar who undertake pro bono representation.
ABA Publishing
3/13/2014 12:00:00 AM
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