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    Insights on Law & Society: Digital Media and Free Expression (Vol.12-No.3)

    Insights on Law & Society: Digital Media and Free Expression (Vol.12-No.3)

    Insights on Law & Society: Digital Media and Free Expression (Vol.12-No.3)

    Insights on Law & Society: Digital Media & Free Expression

    Volume 12, no. 3, Spring 2012


    Insights on Law & Society is one-stop reading for teachers of law, civics, government, or social studies. Each issue takes on a topic, then provides articles written by experts in the field, as well as teaching ideas for incorporating the content into the classroom. Also in each issue, popular features such as Perspectives, which presents an issue from multiple views; and Profile, which offers a quick interview with a figure, provide additional instructional support.

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    Insights on Law & Society: Digital Media & Free Expression

    Volume 12, no. 3, Spring 2012


    This 32-page issue of Insights includes:


    A Free Press? It’s Not That Simple

    Gene Policinski takes a look at the United States’ recent ranking in an international free press index, and compares it to other parts of the world.


    Learning Gateways: Exploring the Free Press

    Teaching ideas to help students explore freedom of the press in the United States and around the world.


    Digital Media and Revolutions

    David M. Faris discusses the role of social media in recent revolutions around the world, and how more and more people are using new technology to make political statements.


    Learning Gateways: Internet Freedom and the United States

    Two discussion starters ask students to consider the balance between Internet censorship in China and human rights, and the United States’ role in ensuring open access to information.


    Viewpoints: What does it mean to be a journalist in the digital and global era?

    Delphine Halgand and William H. Freivogel discuss how digital media is,influencing the reporting of news, the sharing of information, and the meaning of a free press.


    The Emerging Right to Be Forgotten

    Jasmine McNealy explains how a recent proposal in the European Union could have implications for free



    Learning Gateways: The Right to Be Forgotten

    Students learn about the proposed legislation in Europe outlining the “right to be forgotten.” Then they consider real-life scenarios appearing in courts around the world as part of this right under the proposed laws.


    Students in Action: Tweeting for Change

    Zachary Stedt introduces Insights readers to Ahmed Malek, a high school student in Egypt who is working to reform education systems in the wake of revolution, through Twitter.


    Law Review: Student Journalists and Free

    Speech Frank D. LoMonte outlines various challenges facing student journalists in the wake of a declining journalism profession in the United States and increasing concerns about cyberbullying.

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