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    Banking [on] Blockchain: A Legal and Regulatory Primer

    Edited by Sumeet Chugani and Stephen T Gannon

    Banking [on] Blockchain: A Legal and Regulatory Primer

    Banking [on] Blockchain: A Legal and Regulatory Primer

    Edited by Sumeet Chugani and Stephen T Gannon

    Banking [on] Blockchain is a comprehensive guide to the legal and regulatory landscape surrounding the use of blockchain technology, decentralization, and digital assets within the financial services industry. The book explores the potential benefits and challenges of using these technologies and offers guidance on how financial institutions can navigate the complex regulatory environment.

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    Providing you with an understanding of blockchain technology, decentralizations, and digital assets within the financial services industry, this guide examines the various regulatory frameworks put in place to govern their use in the banking sector, including anti-money laundering regulations, consumer protection rules, custody issues, and cybersecurity standards.

    A collaboration by leading crypto and banking experts, Banking [on] Blockchain:

    • Identifies and summarizes arguments for and against blockchain and digital assets and frames the legal issues which have and are likely to arise
    • Discusses the legal framework that applies to crypto customers
    • Addresses compliance considerations and complications that arise under various federal and state consumer financial laws
    • Outlines privacy principles in international and U.S. data privacy laws as they apply to banking and its intersection with blockchain
    • Includes in-depth guidance on instituting a robust risk framework for digital asset businesses
    • Provides an overview for financial institutions with limited experience in the crypto realm regarding rug pulls, scams, and fraud
    • Includes in-depth guidance on instituting a robust risk framework for digital asset custodian and seller
    • Analyzes the current substantive international framework for digital asset regulation
    • Delves into the jurisdictional challenges arising from blockchain technology and examines implications for legal enforcement and regulatory oversight
    • And more!

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    ABA Publishing



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    Publication Date

    6/14/2024 12:00:00 AM

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