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    Elkouri & Elkouri: How Arbitration Works, Eighth Edition

    Edited by Patrick M Sanders and Wesley G Kennedy

    Elkouri & Elkouri: How Arbitration Works, Eighth Edition

    Elkouri & Elkouri: How Arbitration Works, Eighth Edition

    Edited by Patrick M Sanders and Wesley G Kennedy

    An essential reference for labor relations practitioners which covers issues including retiree health insurance, employer intellectual property protections, union recognition, and more. References include citations to hundreds of arbitration awards and judicial decisions. It includes tables of all discussed or cited arbitration awards, statutory authorities and arbitrators.

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    Elkouri & Elkouri: How Arbitration Works, Eighth Edition is the most thorough and authoritative arbitration treatise available. It has been cited by advocates, arbitrators and judges more than any other arbitration book published, and is the standard text that no labor relations specialist, union representative, labor law attorney, professor or arbitrator should be without.

    Highlights of the Eighth Edition:

    • Discussion of change in NLRB’s deferral standard
    • Review of cost savings and online dispute resolution
    • Revised discussion of the burden of proof in discipline cases
    • Analysis of U.S. Supreme Court decisions on same-sex marriage and retiree health insurance
    • Expanded treatment of labor arbitration issues in government
    • On on-duty misconduct of police officers

    The Eighth Edition also covers arbitrators’ consideration of external law in labor arbitration, the developing standards for evidentiary privilege as it relates to union shop stewards, arbitrators’ views on threats and violence, the continued viability of the plain-meaning rule, and UPL in labor arbitration.

    Reference materials include a table of all awards cited, a table of arbitrators for researching particular arbitrators, a table of statutory authorities, and a comprehensive index. The treatise also references important judicial decisions, academic and professional commentary, administrative agency regulations and opinions, and federal and state legislation.

    Editor-in-Chief: Elizabeth J. Fabrizio

    Associate Editors: Patrick M. Sanders and Wesley G. Kennedy

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    Publication Date

    1/1/2020 12:00:00 AM

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