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    Coaching for Attorneys: Improving Productivity and Achieving Balance

    By Stephanie J Finelli and Cami McLaren

    Coaching for Attorneys: Improving Productivity and Achieving Balance

    Coaching for Attorneys: Improving Productivity and Achieving Balance

    By Stephanie J Finelli and Cami McLaren

    Coaching for Attorneys is a revolutionary book, designed to help guide attorneys - no matter the level or area of practice - to a fully balanced life. The authors help you realize practicing law in a new and innovative way that will respect who you are as a person; that will bring excellence to your practice, balance to your life; and that will ultimately have you feeling better and working more productively!

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    Coaching for Attorneys is more than just a book. It is a mentor - addressing common problems and concerns that lawyers experience throughout their careers - and provides specific tools along with specific step-by-step instructions on how to use these tools to help you make life as a lawyer easier. As Cami McLaren addresses the fact that when you leave law school, you are only prepared to research, write, and argue - in theory, only prepared to practice law - she expertly presents an ideology that you can find that delicate balance between professional life and personal life and be happy on both accounts. She brings forth tools, ideas and skills to attorneys and assists them in practicing in their own way - the way that is most fulfilling for each individual. Coaching for Attorneys teaches one how to feel good about what you are doing thus resulting in better work, better health, and better family life. Simply put: a fulfilled attorney is a better attorney. Throughout this new-age book, real life examples are included that demonstrate how effective coaching can have positive changes.


    Pacific Law, Summer 2014 (page 49)

    Oakview Consulting (Recommended books) June 2014

    Sacramento Lawyer, April/May 2014 (page 15)

    Sacramento Business Journal, February 2014

    Detroit Legal News, February 2014

    Plaintiff Magazine, January 2014

    Above the Law, December 2013

    Canadian Lawyer Magazine, November 2013

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    ABA Book Publishing



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    1/1/2014 12:00:00 AM


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