Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Supreme Court: Recent Decisions and Upcoming Cases Important to Government Contractors
More frequently across the United States, young people are delivering justice to their peers who have engaged in their first delinquent act or other problem behavior. At the same time, these young people are learning important citizenship knowledge and skills.
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Youth courts, also known as teen courts and peer juries, involve volunteers from 8 to 18 years of age in sentencing their peers for delinquent acts, traffic infractions, or school rule violations. Instead of being ignored by the juvenile court system for a minor offense, youth court respondents confront and address the impact of their behavior on all victims. Instead of just paying a fine in traffic court, youth who commit traffic infractions explore the impact of their careless driving and have a chance to find out more about the harm they caused. Instead of being suspended from school for multiple truancies, youth court respondents learn what impact truancy has on themselves, their families, their schoolmates, and the community. In each case, young people get a chance to make up for the harm they caused and develop needed competencies.
This Roadmap examines the nature, structure, and benefits of youth courts and explores the roles played by a variety of government and community entities. It highlights examples of successful youth courts throughout the United States ones based in juvenile justice, community, and school settings. It spotlights unique innovations in youth courts and discusses statewide associations that play a role in supporting and networking youth courts within a state.
5/1/2009 12:00:00 AM
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
The Supreme Court: Recent Decisions and Upcoming Cases Important to Government Contractors
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
Traps for Appellate Out-of-Towners: Differences Among Neighboring State Appellate Practices (New England Edition – Part One) [CC]
Audio and Video | On-Demand CLE
But It's Just Weed! Understanding the Effects of Cannabis Use on Justice-Involved Adults and Adolescents [CC]
Events | Webinar
Ethics, Uses and Abuses of Generative AI (GAI) for Attorneys and Judges [CC]
ETHICS 90 min
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) may implicate privacy issues arising out of the use of personal data as well as confidential corporate data, all of which might lead to claims of, among other…
Events | Webinar
Behind Closed Doors: Judges Unveil the Role of AI in Chambers
Step into the private realm of judicial decision-making with our exclusive webinar, where we explore how judges are thinking about the integration of Generative AI (GenAI) within their chambers.
Events | Webinar
Intersections of GenAI and Cybersecurity: Reckoning and Responding to the Risks [CC]
CLE 240 min
The rapid emergence of GenAI tools challenges counsel and courts to determine whether and when they may responsibly use GenAI tools. This program aims at enabling judicial clerks, judges, and counsel…