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    Formal Ethics Opinion 01-422 (ebook)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 01-422 (ebook)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 01-422 (ebook)

    A lawyer who electronically records a conversation without the knowledge of the other party or parties to the conversation does not necessarily violate the Model Rules.
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    Electronic Recordings by Lawyers Without the Knowledge of All Participants

    Formal Opinion 337 (1974) accordingly is withdrawn. A lawyer may not, however, record conversations in violation of the law in a jurisdiction that forbids such conduct without the consent of all parties, nor falsely represent that a conversation is not being recorded. The Committee is divided as to whether a lawyer may record a client-lawyer conversation without the knowledge of the client, but agrees that it is inadvisable to do so.

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    Publication Date

    6/1/2001 12:00:00 AM

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