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    Formal Ethics Opinion 00-420 (ebook)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 00-420 (ebook)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 00-420 (ebook)

    When costs associated with legal services of a contract lawyer are billed to the client as fees for legal services, the amount that may be charged for such services is governed by the requirement of Model Rule 1.5(a) that a lawyer's fee shall be reasonable.
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    Surcharge to Client for Use of a Contract Lawyer.

    A surcharge to the costs may be added by the billing lawyer if the total charge represents a reasonable fee for services provided to the client. When legal services of a contract lawyer are billed to the client as an expense or cost, in the absence of any understanding to the contrary with the client, the client may be charged only the cost directly associated with the services, including expenses incurred by the billing lawyer to obtain and provide the benefit of the contract lawyer's services.

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    Publication Date

    11/1/2000 12:00:00 AM

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