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    Formal Ethics Opinion 00-419 (ebook)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 00-419 (ebook)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 00-419 (ebook)

    Use of Credit Cards for Payment of Legal Fees; Withdrawal of Formal Opinions 320 (1968) and 338 (1974) and Informal Opinions 1120 (1969) and 1176 (1971) The Committee has learned that inquiry frequently is made of the Association's ETHICSearch Research Service.
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    The Committee has learned that inquiry frequently is made of the Association's ETHICSearch Research Service regarding the propriety of lawyers permitting or encouraging clients or potential clients to use credit cards to pay their legal fees and/or expenses. Review of several of the Committee's opinions addressing this subject reveals that the advertising provisions of the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct, adopted in 1983, render inapplicable prohibitions or requirements that were contained in Formal Opinion 338; Formal Opinion 320; Informal Opinion 1120, and Informal Opinion 1176.  Their reasoning was that credit cards or other bank-financing arrangements properly could be employed only for "facilitating the sales of merchandise and sales of non-professional services," and not for legal services.

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