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    Formal Opinion 95-390 (PDF)

    Formal Opinion 95-390 (PDF)

    Formal Opinion 95-390 (PDF)

    Conflicts of Interest in the Corporate Family Context
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    Conflicts of Interest in the Corporate Family Context A lawyer who represents a corporate client is not by that fact alone necessarily barred from a representation that is adverse to a corporate affiliate of that client in an unrelated matter. However, a lawyer may not accept such a representation without consent of the corporate client if the circumstances are such that the affiliate should also be considered a client of the lawyer; or if there is an understanding between the lawyer and the corporate client that the lawyer will avoid representations adverse to the client's corporate affiliates; or if the lawyer's obligations to either the corporate client or the new, adverse client, will materially limit the lawyer's representation of the other client. Even if the circumstances are such that client consent is not ethically required, as a matter of prudence and good practice a lawyer who contemplates undertaking a representation adverse to a corporate affiliate of a client will be well advised to discuss the matter with the client before undertaking the representation.

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    Publication Date

    1/1/1995 12:00:00 AM

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