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    Formal Ethics Opinion 94-380 (downloadable pdf)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 94-380 (downloadable pdf)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 94-380 (downloadable pdf)

    A lawyer who represents the fiduciary in a trust or estate matter is subject to the same limitations imposed by the Model Rules of Professional Conduct as are all other lawyers.
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    Counseling a Fiduciary A lawyer who represents the fiduciary in a trust or estate matter is subject to the same limitations imposed by the Model Rules of Professional Conduct as are all other lawyers. The fact that the fiduciary has obligations to the beneficiaries of the trust or estate does not in itself either expand or limit the lawyer's obligations to the fiduciary client under the Model Rules, nor impose on the lawyer obligations toward the beneficiaries that the lawyer would not have toward other third parties. Specifically, the lawyer's obligation to preserve the client's confidences under Rule 1.6 is not altered by the circumstance that the client is a fiduciary.

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    Publication Date

    5/1/1994 12:00:00 AM

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