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    Formal Ethics Opinion 93-375 (downloadable pdf)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 93-375 (downloadable pdf)

    Formal Ethics Opinion 93-375 (downloadable pdf)

    In representing a client in a bank examination, a lawyer may not under any circumstances lie to or mislead agency officials.
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    The Lawyer's Obligation to Disclose Information Adverse to the Client in the Context of Bank Examination In representing a client in a bank examination, a lawyer may not under any circumstances lie to or mislead agency officials. However, the lawyer is under no duty to disclose weaknesses in her client's case or otherwise reveal confidential information protected under Rule 1.6. The lawyer must also take steps necessary to avoid assisting the client in a course of action she reasonably believes to be fraudulent, including if necessary withdrawing from the representation.

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    Publication Date

    8/1/1993 12:00:00 AM

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